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Show us your face!

Do you know your own face? I mean, really? Have you ever truly looked at your face and seen how amazing it is? Have you used your hands to explore it — felt the muscles, noticed the dots, wrinkles, and watched as it forms itself into all the different shapes of communication and meaning? What a wondrous landscape! 


An invitation

Draw your face and be featured in the 'Art For Your Life' Gallery

I'm looking for faces! Your face! Your Mum's face! Your friend's face.
  • 'Draw' your face and send it to me to be featured in the Art for Your Life digital gallery. It can be any kind of drawing, collage, painting, sculpture you like — on any surface, digital or analogue. 

  • Write a short paragraph on who the face is and how the artwork was created. 


How to get it to us?

If possible, post the actual artwork, or you could take a (very excellent, high-quality) photo and email it! If you would like your art returned, we can arrange postage for a fee — just send an email to the address below to tee it up. 


To Post: Send to Zoe Collins / Art For Your Life. PO Box 284, Grange, Qld, 4051. Australia. 

To email: send one high resolution image to: AFYL [@] zoecollins [dot] art . If your image is not of high resolution, and able to be viewed clearly, it won't be displayed. We'll do our best to get it up though!

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